Be careful about sugar control, don’t let "sweetness" become a burden

We have always mistakenly thought that diabetes is a kind of "senile disease". As everyone knows, the tentacles of the "sugar demon" have extended to young people.
According to media reports, in 2020, the prevalence of diabetes among people aged 20-30 in my country has reached four times that of 1996. The total number of patients with diabetes in the country is approximately 121 million, accounting for 1/4 of the total number of patients in the world.
Are you still confident because you are young at this time? So, what kind of disease is diabetes? How should we prevent it?


In fact, diabetes is not a "modern disease." Thousands of years ago, people had already confronted the "sugar demon". However, there was no such word as "diabetes" in ancient times, and it was mostly called "diabetes".
"Diabetes" refers to a type of disease with thirst, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss, etc. as the main clinical manifestations. According to the symptoms, the ancient term "diabetes" is probably the contemporary term diabetes.
Sima Qian's "Historical Records" once recorded a famous diabetic, Sima Xiangru. We may be more familiar with his love and poetry. This talented writer of the Western Han Dynasty was highly praised by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty because of his "Zixu Fu", and was therefore reused. His love story with Zhuo Wenjun has also been narrated by many lovers throughout the ages.
However, in Sima Qian’s writings, we learned that this great literary man was actually suffering from diabetes. “It’s like a stuttering but a good book. He often suffers from thirst.” Tang Dynasty poet Li Shangyin was also in the "Han Palace". "The Ci" reads: "The courtiers are the most thirsty, and do not give a cup of golden stems."

In history, many emperors have also suffered from this disease. According to historical records, Emperor Sui Yang who built the Grand Canal suffered from diabetes. The emperor often felt dry and dry. He had to drink several liters of water and urinate several liters a day, and his bones gradually became dry. Symptoms such as polydipsia, polyuria, and weight loss are all consistent with the symptoms of diabetes.
In the face of illness, no matter how great a person is, he is only a vulnerable patient.


In order to study and treat diabetes, countless famous doctors in ancient my country conducted various studies and explorations.
Wang Tao, a well-known physician in the Tang Dynasty, once pointed out in his book "Waitai Secret Yao" that "thirst diminishers...sweet urine every time it is sent". This is the world's first record of sweet urine for diabetic patients in the literature.
How did Wang Tao discover the above phenomenon? There is a small story among the folks: Wang Tao’s father fell ill at that time, he was thirsty all day long, his appetite increased a lot, and he had a lot of boils on his body. Wang Tao found out when he was taking care of his father that his father’s There was a fruity smell in the urine, so he tasted it, and it was really sweet. Later, Wang Tao discovered through private visits and investigations that the urine of patients with diabetes can attract ants to gather, thus uncovering the mystery of the cause of diabetes.
Wang Tao pays more attention to clearing away heat when he treats diabetes, and supplements them with spleen-tonifying and dampening drugs. At the same time, Wang Tao also emphasized that patients should pay attention to daily maintenance, and put forward nursing methods such as "do not want to eat and sleep, and it is not suitable for Chinese and Japanese to sit for a long time". He also proposed "diet therapy" for patients in terms of daily diet such as food attributes and cooking techniques. Suggest.
Obviously, Wang Tao's treatment method is of great significance to the study of diabetes, but we must understand that all success comes from the reward of God. In fact, Wang Tao was not a professional healer. He was a nobleman. His four-generation ancestor, Wang Gui, was a famous prime minister in the Tang Taizong period. His mother was Princess Nanping, and his father was also knighted. Wang Tao's original intention to study medicine was entirely due to his filial piety. "New Tang Book · Wang Gui Biography" records that, in order to take care of his sick mother, Wang Tao "will not waste the decoction all the year round". While taking care of his mother, Wang Tao worked hard to learn medical skills, and since then he has become involved in medicine.
During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, Wang Tao was in charge of the Hongwenguan. This was the royal library at that time. It contained a large number of medical classics. This made Wang Tao more eager to learn a lot of medical knowledge. This was why he later wrote a masterpiece of medical books. "Outside Taiwan Secret Yao" laid the groundwork for it.
Later, Wang Tao "relegated the Fang tomb because of his marriage." On the way out, Wang Tao and his family contracted illnesses due to inadequate medical resources. In the absence of medical resources, Wang Tao cured them through the knowledge he had learned. Because of his family’s illness, these experiences made Wang Tao determined to compile and compile medical books for the benefit of ordinary people.
Now, with the development of modern medical techniques, the methods of treating diabetes are more abundant. In this episode, we invited a contemporary doctor to listen to his tips on preventing and treating diabetes.


Diabetes was officially named by British physician Thomas Willis in 1686. However, the history of related documents can be traced back to the ancient Egyptian era 3,500 years ago. More than 2,000 years ago, my country's "Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine" also used "diarrhea" to describe this disease.

The prevalence of this chronic disease that has been entangled with humans for many years has continued to increase in recent years, and many scholars have found that it has a trend of younger generation. This phenomenon is closely related to many lifestyles that are now "popular".

For example, young people have been pushing back the concept of staying up late, and various sugar-sweetened beverages have become more and more "necessities". "Milk tea freedom" can resonate with most people... When these unhealthy lifestyles become "mainstream", Young people, you have to be careful! In addition, obesity is the largest independent risk factor for diabetes besides genetic factors.

In the face of diabetes, how should we manage our health? There are a few points I think should be noted:


a) Do not choose sweetened beverages, especially to emphasize that whether it is high-sugar beverages or beverages with sugar substitutes, so-called sugar-free beverages, will greatly increase the risk of diabetes.

b) try to minimize staying up late.

c) reduce processed foods and takeaways.

d) insist on moderate-intensity exercise.

We need to know that no matter how perfect the treatment is, the disease will come again. Instead of adding a large amount of medical expenses to our daily expenses, we should try to learn how to maintain our body.

To improve one's body and maintain a reasonable and regular life is the material basis for self-cultivation.

Via. China youth

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